The Power Of Opening Up Your Mind with Sachin Sharma – Ep 194

Sachin Sharma is not only my friend, but an incredible coach and has recently become my coach too. Sachin is all about spiritual wisdom and self development and I love his direct style and the way he explains things in such a simple way.

During this conversation, we spoke about:

  • The difference between being vs doing
  • What it means to have no thoughts
  • How the journey inwards can be the most fulfilling

Hear more of Sachin’s story on episode 102:

PLUS my self-published book ‘The Search For Clarity’ is out now. The book shares my experiences and biggest learnings of going from living with a negative mindset to now living from a place of clarity and happiness – and how you can too. To buy a copy or for more information head to
Use PODCAST20 to get an exclusive 20% off for podcast listeners

If there is someone you feel would benefit from hearing this conversation then please make sure you share it with a friend who would enjoy listening and really take something from it 🙂

Follow Sachin:
IG: @spoonofconsciousness

Follow Alex:
IG: @iamalexmanzi
Twitter: @iamalexmanzi

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